SINCE 1962

Honoré S.A. is an insurance brokerage set up in 1962 by André Honoré. From the outset, the core value of the company has been to establish a close working relationship with all its clients, be they individuals or businesses.
When his son Philippe Honoré, took charge of the company in 1998, he expanded its customer base aiming with the objective of being one of the top 100 insurance brokers in Belgium.
The strategy paid off and today our brokerage company offers the perfect compromise between the efficient negotiating ability expected of a large well-organised business, and the sort of listening skills that only a local firm can provide.

By listening and understanding, as well as developing close client relationships, Honoré gives added value to its customers by always putting their interests first.
In this respect, our clients benefit from a team of highly qualified, bilingual specialists. Every client is assigned a representative who gives a sustained and personal service. We pride ourselves on being directly available, and except in exceptional circumstances, your first contact will be your permanent contact and deal with every aspect of your insurance contract.
Based on an in-depth analysis, which combines a solid and accurate understanding of your needs with expert insurance techniques, we will work closely with you to secure the best most appropriate policy to your situation.
We have an established and successful methodology to assist and satisfy the needs of our clients whether they are individual or business clients.
Accurate risk assessment
Sourcing products and finding solutions
The insurance sector has a huge range of products and players, and each of their strategies has to be followed and anticipated. Being at the heart of the business, we are ideally placed to understand and source the best solutions suited to your profile. Our experience and our complete autonomy is the best guarantee we can offer you in terms of choice for the most effective cover.
Prioritising customer relations
Will my insurance be more expensive if I go through a broker? How do I judge the type of insurance that would best suit my needs? Is a cheaper insurance necessarily less good?
Costs : An insurance broker is not necessarily more expensive!
Vision : Choosing the right package
The expertise : The best value for money
Health Insurance
It’s no secret that health care is becoming more and more expensive – a serious illness, an accident, even hospitalisation for something minor, could land you with an unexpected financial burden. So it’s natural that you insure your family against everyday risks.
Health insurance, no matter how good, does not cover all medical costs. We offer a comprehensive cover for these extra costs, which is adapted to your needs and to your budget, such as: hospitalisation for a day or longer, whether in a shared or private room, medication during hospitalisation, prosthetic or orthopaedic appliances, and transport costs. We also cover medical expenses required one month before hospitalisation and up to three months of follow-up treatment, serious illnesses, as well as assistance in case of hospitalisation abroad.
We also offer cover for accidents, whether domestic or on the road, which require medical treatment but not hospitalisation.
We take out comprehensive insurance on a car – should we not do the same for our health?
Every family has different needs so don’t hesitate to contact us to find the cover that is the right one for you.
Vehicle Insurance
There are three main categories:
Third party liability: this covers damage to a third party caused by the authorised driver of a vehicle.
Legal protection: in case of legal proceedings following a claim against another insured, or uninsured driver.
Comprehensive: covers material damage to your vehicle by fire, partial or complete theft, damage caused by natural forces, collision with an animal, shattered windows and material damage following an accident.
Advice: In case of accident, keep a cool head. Remember that the declaration of an accident is of paramount importance, when it comes to establishing responsibility. You could save yourself possible legal proceedings by ensuring that any accident report form to be filled is legible with a clear sketch of the event.
Unfortunately, it isn’t always a case of, ‘this only happens to other people’. Even the most careful drivers can be victims of an accident, or of a careless or dishonest driver who damages your vehicle and then leaves without leaving a contact number or address, or perhaps a tree falls on your car during a storm, or of theft or vandalism.
Our work is to help you predict the unpredictable with a cover as comprehensive as possible.
We cannot emphasize strongly enough how important it is to have good ‘legal’ cover. Legal disputes after road accidents are certainly not uncommon and sometimes it is difficult to assign responsibility to one or other party. Having legal insurance covers you for necessary legal assistance and also lets you choose the solicitor you want.
It would also be in your interests to consider ‘Roadside Assistance’ in case of an accident, not only in Belgium but abroad, and also ‘Driver Insurance’, which if you were driving, covers you for physical injury following an accident, medical and eventual disability costs.
Fire and weather-related
Fire insurance is one of the most common policies and not only covers your home and possessions and any costs incurred following a fire, but also weather-related risks such as hail, storm, or flood damage.
It is very important to value your house and its contents accurately and not underestimate them, which obviously, would result in an inadequate compensation for repairs or reconstruction. On the other hand, overvaluing is equally ill advised, as it wouldn’t make any difference to the expert’s estimation of fire or weather-related damage sustained by your property.
In this respect, not only do we give you practical advice on suitable cover, but we can also give you an accurate estimate of your assets, which, after a period of time, may need re-evaluating.
Though too often ignored, ‘theft insurance’these days, is unfortunately, virtually obligatory. We cover theft, attempted break-in, or burglary with violence, which in certain circumstances could also be valid outside your home.
Your indispensible computer equipment is also included in our ‘comprehensive’ policy – this equally covers your children’s computers, even if they are in student lodgings.
Assistance Insurance
When unavoidable problems arise, it is comforting to have someone to fall back on, which is the purpose of our Assistance insurance – to help you find a solution
There are, of course, many kinds of cover, for your family, your vehicles, your luggage, etc. We would study your needs and the policy best suited to your situation and habits. For example, if you travel a lot, you may even consider taking out a ‘cancellation’ policy.
Life Insurance
A good investment and effective protection.
Think about protecting your loved ones and preparing for your pension.
Life insurance is the right option.
Several possibilities are available enabling you to make considerable tax savings (at least 30% on the premium)
– Pension savings scheme
– Long-term savings scheme
– Private supplementary pension for the self-employed (PSPSE)
Death Insurance
There are several types of death insurance, the most well-known being Insurance covering the balance remaining which covers your mortgage and not forgetting financial protection with regard to your loved ones who will receive death insurance in the case of gift.
Liability Insurance
The most common policies are the general business and product liabilities insurance; these policies are essential for the cover of any extra-contractual damages arising during the course of business.
From the time you set your business up, you, your directors, your employees and any person connected with your company could cause material or corporal damage for which you could be held responsible.
Corporal damage often incurs medical expenses, and in more serious cases, temporary or permanent disability.
Your responsibility as a company owner does not end with the finished product. A defective, or badly made product could mean that the customer makes a claim against you. However, a product liabilities policy would cover you if you were found to be responsible for a faulty product.
Every business and profession needs a specific third party liability cover specific to its needs. Our team will put together the best insurance package adapted to suit your particular situation.
Business Interruption Insurance
Fire and related risks could bring your business activities to a standstill, along with all the attendant difficulties such as being unable to fulfil orders and the loss of clients. These eventualities need to be provided for and we can help you by anticipating the sort of losses that would potentially need to be redressed, such as new machinery and reconstruction.
Equipment Breakdown Insurance
This policy covers costs related to the repair or replacement of tools and machinery damaged by causes other than fire such as operational mishaps, inexperience, or vandalism.
Group Accident Insurance
Your colleagues and employees are important to you, but accidents at work are, alas, all too frequent. You are legally obliged to take out Group Accident insurance for all your employees. This policy covers corporal damage sustained by your staff in the work place or on the way to work, as well as any type of accident, without having to prove fault.
Compensation is paid out for temporary or permanent disability and related medical costs are reimbursed. In the case of death, a pension is paid to the widow and to orphans until they reach legal age. In some cases, this compensation has proved to be inadequate. A complementary cover is available that operates 24/24, and which exceeds the statutory minimum, and ensures an optimum cover for your employees from all unforeseen accidents/events.
Pension Insurance
We all know that the amount of pension a person can expect to receive is not necessarily guaranteed. And because a net payment increase, is insignificant after tax and social security contributions, it might be advisable to set up a capital pension scheme for your employees or create a pensions sub-group with specific characteristics.
Employees and self-employed alike can subscribe to the PLCI, a supplementary pension for the self-employed, or the EIP, a private life insurance, both of which offer interesting fiscal advantages. We are qualified to help you find the best solution for your situation.